Wednesday, 10 August 2011

FREE DOWNLOAD Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy 5th Edition

 Buat belajar utk ujian bedside, presentasi short case & long case.

Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy

Author(s): Joseph S Alpert MD & Gordon A Ewy MD
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The newly updated Fifth Edition of this popular reference is now available in a convenient electronic format. On the wards, on rounds, or at the bedside, clinicians can instantly access authoritative, up-to-date, practical guidelines for the immediate and long-term medical and surgical management of all cardiovascular disorders.
Users can quickly search the table of contents or index and find exactly the information they need, presented in the easy-to-scan outline format that has proven so helpful for busy clinicians. More than 100 tables provide quick access to essential information.
Download the DPR Windows installer now

click download link, wait 5 secs and click "SKIP AD>"
button at top right.

For your information, this is not regular e-book, this is medical application of PC that needs Windows Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Tablet PCOperating System for installation (98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7).
If you have any installation or download problem, you can leave your comment here

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Link dead, will be renew on mid september

link updated... thank you.

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