25 Landmark Trials in Cardiology
Author(s): Dr. Gabor Gyenes, MD, Dr. Robert C. Welsh, MD, FRCPC, FACC and Dr. Craig Butler, MD, FRCPC
Publisher: Gabor Gyenes, MD & Craig Butler, MD

The authors selected 25 trials that changed Cardiology and also put them into perspective, explaining why these studies were so important and how they influenced practice in cardiology. This latest update is based on the 2nd edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates!
In todaya€™s evidence-based Medicine an intimate knowledge of the trials is mandatory. However, the sheer number of studies, especially in Cardiology makes the orientation very difficult for the non-cardiologist. Therefore, this reference will be very useful for residents of all disciplines, family doctors as well as for any other interested health professionals. The selected 25 trials changed practice in Cardiology and the authors also put them into perspective, explaining why these studies were so important and how they influenced current practice.
Key Features
- Get a€˜just the important trialsa€™ or a€˜just the trials that changed practicea€™.
- Newly added sections a€“ Chronic Stable Angina and Epidemiology.
- A user-friendly quick-reference guide of the a€™25 trialsa€™ that had the biggest impact on clinical practice across the breadth of cardiovascular medicine.
- The most critical trials that residents and non-cardiologists need to know about.
- Each trial is in context and emphasizes important strengths or limitations in the interpretation of trial results.
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