Wednesday, 10 August 2011

FREE DOWNLOAD Cochrane Reviews in Oral Health

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Cochrane Reviews

Considered to be most comprehensive and easy-to-use source of continuously updated evidence-based medical information. Use the high quality, reliable and trusted information to make decisions based on evidence for and against the effectiveness and appropriateness of treatments
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Additional Information
The a€˜gold-standarda€™ in high quality, reliable, evidence-based medical information.
Cochrane Reviews enable all those involved with healthcare decisions to keep up to date with the very latest evidence in their field of interest a€“ a challenge which becomes harder each year as the volume of evidence increases. Cochrane Reviews solve this problem by delivering the best single source available for continually updated evidence-based medical information. Each review explores the evidence for and against the effectiveness and appropriateness of treatments (medications, surgery, education, etc) in specific circumstances.
Those who prepare the reviews are health care professionals who volunteer to work in one of the many Collaborative Review Groups, with editorial teams overseeing the preparation and maintenance of the reviews, as well as application of the rigorous quality standards for which Cochrane Reviews have become known.
  • Cochrane Reviews have become known internationally as sources of high quality, reliable health information.
  • A structured format helps the reader to find his/her way around the review quickly and easily.
  • Multinational editorial teams try to ensure that a review is applicable in different parts of the world.
  • Cochrane Reviews are updated quarterly.
You can pick and choose which topics are of interest to you and build your own personal library of review topics that seamlessly work with your other Skyscape references.
Download the DPR Windows installer now
click download link, wait 5 secs and click "SKIP AD>"
button at top right.

For your information, this is not regular e-book, this is medical application of PC that needs Windows Windows® 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Tablet PCOperating System for installation (98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7).
If you have any installation or download problem, you can leave your comment here

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