Radiation Oncology: A Question-Based Review
1st edition
Editor(s): Boris Hristov, MD, and Steven H. Lin, MD, PhD
A comprehensive active learning tool for medical students, residents, and junior attending physicians in radiation oncology. This latest update is based on the 1st edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.
Radiation Oncology: A Question-Based Review is organized in topics and sections by site and it covers all the sites and cancer types currently treated with chemotherapy. With detailed questions included on the natural history, epidemiology, diagnosis, staging, and treatment-related adverse effects for each cancer type, emphasis is on evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Key Features
- First true question-and-answer resource in radiation oncology, for both written and oral boards as well as recertification
- Provides reader with a quick means of self-assessment on topics in modern radiation oncology
- Written by residents on the "front line", but every topic has undergone a comprehensive revision by faculty physicians, most specializing in the particular cancer type or area which they were asked to review
- Follows a logical systems-based approach
- Ideal preparation tool for written and oral board examinations
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