French's Index of Differential Diagnosis
15th edition

Author(s): Mark Kinirons BSC HONS MD FRCPI FRCP and Harold Ellis CBE DM MCH FRCS
Publisher: Hodder Arnold, an imprint of Hodder Education, an Hachette UK Company
This reference is vitally important for doctors to be able to differentiate quickly and correctly between the various diseases to which the presenting symptoms may be attributed. This latest update is based on the 15th edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.
French's Index of Differential Diagnosis has been unparalleled in providing the clinician with invaluable assistance in quickly and correctly diagnosing a disease from a whole range of presenting symptoms.
Key Features
French's Index of Differential Diagnosis has been unparalleled in providing the clinician with invaluable assistance in quickly and correctly diagnosing a disease from a whole range of presenting symptoms.
Key Features
- Improved quality of photographic material, used judiciously to demonstrate a symptom or sign that is key to the diagnosis that follows
- Arranged alphabetically, and based upon presenting symptoms, the text takes the reader through a step-by-step approach to that presentation, culminating in a description of the different diagnoses that it might represent
- Differential diagnoses presented in clear lists or tables as a supplement to the main text to aid rapid reference
- Clearly laid out and well-organised, with the familiar alphabetical structure
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